Internal Halyard Ground Set Cone Tapered Aluminum Flagpoles
- Gold anodized aluminum ball ornament
- Cast aluminum Stationary truck
- Nylon wire center halyard
- Swivel flag snaps w/vinyl snap covers
- Retainer ring and counterweight
- Stainless steel quick link
- Cam action cleat (accessible behind a locked access door)
- Spun aluminum flash collar
- Galvanized steel foundation sleeve
The Vanguard Series is an aluminum ground-set, internal halyard flagpole. Sizes up to 35 ft. are shipped as one-piece poles. Sizes above 35 ft. are shipped in sections and fitted with a self-aligning sleeve which requires no field welding.
Available in standard satin finish, however we also offer clear, bronze and black anodized finish at additional cost. While all of our aluminum flagpoles require little maintenance to retain their natural shine, our anodized flagpoles offer an even simpler solution. Our satin brushed finished flagpoles will generally keep clean with the rainfall in most areas, however; because the exterior of the flagpole is aluminum, it will continue to oxidize throughout its lifetime. Special cleaning agents may be required to remove the discoloration caused by this process of oxidation. Our anodized flagpoles do not encounter this problem. The process of anodization actually creates a barrier on the external surface of the aluminum flagpole, thus eliminating the oxidation process. Because the aluminum is not exposed to the elements, it cannot oxidize. The anodized finishes allow you to clean your flagpole with simple soap and water. For this reason, we recommend the purchase of an anodized finish on all of our flagpoles.
Anodized poles take maximum time to ship because they are made to order.
*** Does not include shipping.
* Flagpole models available in both one and two section styles; please specify when placing your order.
** Flagpole models available in multi-piece pole(s) only.
- ** Requires Freight Shipping:
- Please request a quote or call us at 1-800-631-9740.